
Aeneid book 2 scansion
Aeneid book 2 scansion

aeneid book 2 scansion

When Aeneas hears of Pallas's death, he gets really mad.As Turnus stands over Pallas's body, he promises that his fallen enemy will be afforded all proper funerary rites. Then Turnus throws his spear and gives Pallas a mortal blow.Pallas throws his spear with all his strength and grazes Turnus.Jupiter tells Hercules not to worry, and that no-one can escape fate his own son, Sarpedon, was killed at Troy, and that Turnus will die soon anyway.Hercules hears him, but is powerless to do anything. Before throwing his spear, Pallas prays to Hercules, the god of the Arcadians, for help.At Turnus's command, the other soldiers back away.When he gets to where the two young warriors are fighting, he announces that he has come to kill Pallas, and that he wishes Pallas's father Evander were there to watch. When his sister, the nymph Juturna, tells Turnus to go help Lausus, he hops to it.

aeneid book 2 scansion

In the midst of the battle, Pallas is fighting Lausus, the son of the Italian ally Mezentius.The Arcadians are encouraged by Pallas's speech and behavior, and regain their courage.Then Pallas rushes into the fight and kills various guys.Pallas shouts at them, telling them they have to keep fighting – the sea is behind them there's nowhere to run! At a certain point, the Arcadians, who typically fight on horseback rather than on foot, are put to flight.Scarcely any time passes before the Trojans are mixing it up with the Italians on the beach.Everybody executes this maneuver successfully except for Tarchon himself his ship splits in half on a sandbar, and many of his men are carried away by the undertow. Meanwhile, Tarchon urges his fleet to drive their ships up onto the earth.Turnus is excited too, because he sees an opportunity to bring the fight to the Trojans on the landing-ground. The next morning, when the Trojans see Aeneas, their spirits revive.Then they give him an added push to hurry him down the river.

aeneid book 2 scansion

They let him know of the dire straits Ascanius finds himself in. Then, a bunch of nymphs swim by his ship – the same nymphs that used to be his fleet, before they were magically transformed.As they sail on through the night, Aeneas remains awake at the tiller.He has brought Tarchon, along with 30 ships worth of Etruscan warriors as allies.

aeneid book 2 scansion

Since we last saw him chilling out with Evander, he has gone to see the Etruscan King Tarchon.

  • That night, Aeneas sails back down the river to rejoin his companions.
  • Indeed, that day, the battle between the two sides continues.
  • The Trojans and Italians can slug it out as much as they want."
  • Having now heard both sides, Jupiter says, "Whatever.
  • She says that what happened wasn't her fault (yeah right), and that Jupiter could have stepped it earlier if he cared so much.
  • Now it's Juno's turn to make her own long speech.
  • Alternatively, Jupiter should let the Trojans go back and resettle Troy. She makes a long speech, the gist of which is that the Trojans have suffered enough if Jupiter plans to destroy them, he should just go ahead and do it, but that she should at least let Ascanius survive, even if he will live out the rest of his life ingloriously.
  • After this, Venus sees her opportunity to speak up for the Trojans.
  • When all the other gods are assembled, he asks them, "What's the matter? Why's this war going on? Why can't there just be peace?"
  • Jupiter has been watching the battle unfolding between the Italians and the Trojans.

  • Aeneid book 2 scansion